Klosters Capital España allows us to cover the global needs for independent financial advice not only for Spanish families, but also for the growing Latin American community in Spain, providing a clearly differentiating approach with respect to the existing advice offer.
We offer a Multi Family Office approach distinguished by its highly personalized service. We provide detailed monthly reports on portfolio positions, as well as our market view and analysis of other relevant institutions.

Portfolio Advisory
We specialize in the consolidation and monitoring of operations and portfolios, adopting a visionasset allocation global. Our financial analysis is independent, without conflicts of interest. Likewise, we actively work on diversification and risk limitation to guarantee the security of investments and the composition of portfolios..
Investment Opportunities
We offer unique investment opportunities in international financial institutions, as well as Real Estate and Private Equity, among other sectors..

Communication with Banks
We provide advisory services in the selection of custodian banks, along with our negotiation capacity with them.. We are in charge of filtering and analyzing the reports and offers of financial products provided by the banks, ensuring that we only provide the client with quality information and opportunities..
Commission control
We carry out rigorous control and analysis of commissions, reviewing the distribution of assets and optimizing operating costs. We work in close coordination with our clients' tax advisors to offer a comprehensive and efficient financial strategy.